Capital Budget
The Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce is again working with our region’s legislators to identify community related projects in Lucas, Wood, and Fulton counties for possible inclusion in the upcoming state fiscal year 2025-2026 capital budget bill. Questions that you should consider about your proposed project:
While the deadline to submit a proposal for the Chamber’s process has closed, there is still time to submit a project for the capital budget and the one-time strategic community investment fund (OTSCIF). Organizations have until the beginning of April 2024 to submit a proposal for consideration directly to their respective state senator. Please note that any project submitted to the Chamber before the November 17 deadline will be shared with both members of the Ohio House and Ohio Senate delegation representing Fulton, Lucas, and Wood counties. Not sure who the appropriate state senator is? You can identify your state senator at It is important that you also work with your state representative ( and state senator throughout the process. Legislators make the final decision about which projects and associated funding that will be included in the legislation. For additional questions about the capital or one-time strategic community investment funding, please contact Brian Dicken, vice president for advocacy & strategic initiatives, at [email protected]. Thank you for your interest in participating in this important process benefiting the Toledo Region. We look forward to working with you. |