Levy EndorsementsLevies are reviewed by the Chamber's Levy Review Subcommittee, which researches and studies levy requests and makes recommendations to other Chamber committees, culminating with the Chamber and TASBA Boards.
The levy review process ensures that levy requests are examined by a broad cross-section of the Chamber's membership and reflect the views of the business community. The Chamber's comprehensive levy review process includes presentations by the agencies making the request, an examination of the impact of the levy request on both the agency and taxpayers, and a review of agency financials to better understand the need behind the request. The Leadership FundThe Leadership Fund, the Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce's political action committee, was formed in 2001. The purpose is to promote candidates in Toledo and its surrounding communities who understand and work to preserve a pro-business climate in our region. The fund supports candidates at the local and state level and does not endorse candidates for federal office.
Tax Chartshe charts below compare property tax, sales tax and income tax rates in regional metro counties and cities and State of Ohio metro counties and cities. The information does not reflect school property taxes, state income tax or federal income tax rates. Information is current as of August 14, 2023.
For more information, please contact the Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce’s Advocacy & Public Policy Department at 419-243-8191. Elected OfficialsGet to Know Your Regional Elected Officials
The following Elected Official Directories will download as a pdf (please allow a minute for the document to be created): Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce Ohio Federal and State Public Officials Directory Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce Lucas County Public Officials Directory Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce Wood County Public Officials Directory Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce Fulton County Public Officials Directory Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce School Officials Directory Voter Registration Form Register Online or Download an Ohio voter registration form Election Board Links for Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan Learn more about the elections in your community: |
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