While we may not be voting in person for the 2020 primary, there is still time to make your voice heard on important issues by casting an absentee ballot. As a result of House Bill 197, Ohio voters have until April 27 to have their absentee ballot postmarked in order for it to be counted in the primary election. County boards of election have also established drop boxes so that you can deliver your ballot, but ballots must be placed in the drop boxes no later than 7:30 p.m. on April 28 to be counted.
House Bill 197 extended the deadline to file and pay the state income tax without interest or penalty. The extension is available to those filing the Ohio individual income tax, school district income tax, pass-through entity and fiduciary income tax, and also extends to municipal net profit taxpayers that have opted-in to the state’s centralized filing system. Returns, payments and estimated payments with due dates from April 15, 2020 through June 15, 2020, including fiscal year filers, are extended without interest or penalty to July 15, 2020.
By Tim Schneider, Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce At its regular meeting at 4:00 p.m. on April 7, Toledo City Council is expected to vote on Ordinance 137-20 which would extend the city income tax filing and payment date from April 15 to July 15, 2020. The ordinance specifically makes the city income tax deadline correspond with any extension to the federal income tax during the coronavirus/COVID-19 response. The Internal Revenue Service recently extended the federal income tax filing and payment deadline to July 15, followed by the Ohio Legislature extending the state income tax deadline to the same date via House Bill 197.
Here at the Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce, we're working hard to help promote a thriving business environment. Please join us in welcoming our newest members, who joined in March 2020. Don't forget to visit our Business Resources page, where you'll find all of the initiatives we're working on and supporting in order to help you succeed.
Yesterday, the Small Business Administration began to offer an advance of up to $10,000 on its Economic Injury Disaster Loan for businesses being disrupted by COVID-19. For businesses that are experiencing a temporary loss of revenue, funds should be made available within three working days of a successful application. The loan will not have to be repaid. You can apply for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Advance by clicking here.
September 2024