In light of the approaching July 31 payment deadline in Lucas County for second-half property taxes, and the economic consequences of COVID-19, Lucas County Treasurer Lindsay Webb is notifying those facing late payment of available resources to avoid penalties and interest. While property owners are always encouraged to pay what they can, Treasurer Webb has taken steps to ensure businesses and others in particular need of assistance are able to seek relief through the tools offered through her office.
By Tim Schneider, Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce At its meeting on May 20 at 5:00 p.m., Toledo City Council is expected to vote on three ordinances giving approval for a proposed development in the former Colony neighborhood near ProMedica Toledo Hospital. Ordinances 182-20 and 183-20 would approve zoning changes, and Ordinance 184-20 would approve a planned unit development. ProMedica and Continental Real Estate Co. have plans for a $56.6 million project at the site that will include two apartment buildings with 262 total units, a hotel with 120 rooms, and a mixed-use structure with retail and a restaurant. The proposals were recently approved by the Toledo Plan Commission. City Council’s Zoning & Planning Committee did not offer a recommendation on the proposals. A simple majority of Council is needed to approve the plans.
By Sabrina D'Onofrio, CGBP, CBA, Export Assistance Director More than 95 percent of the world’s population and two-thirds of the global purchasing power lies outside of America’s borders, yet less than 1 percent of the 30 million businesses in the United States export. Ohio is the ninth-largest exporting state in the United States, consistently ranking as one of the top 10 exporting states in the nation. This is something that, as the Director of the Export Assistance Network, I am very proud of and hope to continue to see Ohio stay within that top 10.
On May 3, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) created the Paycheck Protection Program Frequently Asked Questions document. This document contains more than 40 questions that business leaders may have regarding the PPP, Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, and more. The Toledo Small Business Development Center has laid out five questions you shouldn't miss from this document, and has created a spreadsheet, titled PPP Forgiveness Determination, to help you calculate the amount of money that can be forgiven by the PPP.
By Tim Schneider, Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce At its regular meeting on Tuesday, May 5 at 4:00 p.m., Toledo City Council is expected to vote on Ordinance 159-20 which would approve a Community Reinvestment Area property tax exemption for Olympic Real Estate Group, LLC for remodeling of a building at 5355 Southwyck Boulevard for a new accounting office. The exemption would be 100 percent for 12 years for taxes that would otherwise be generated due to the increase in the assessed valuation. The estimated investment cost of the project is $519,582. The city sold the property to the company in 2018 which redeveloped it in order to consolidate operations for its sister businesses Financial Express and Payroll Express LLC. Toledo Public Schools has agreed to a compensation agreement in lieu of expected tax revenue.
The Ohio Department of Health (ODH) and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) have provided guidance for building owners and tenants regarding the water service after little or no use during the Stay at Home orders. Please note that this guidance applies to the water systems of all types of buildings that are unoccupied or partially occupied during the COVID-19 pandemic, including but not limited to office buildings, manufacturing facilities, medical offices (e.g., physician and dentist offices, ambulatory surgery centers, outpatient centers, etc.), government facilities, and religious institutions. If you are a tenant of a building, it is recommend that you share this information with the building owner, building manager, or management company and ask them to consider taking these precautions.
February 2025