At the Toledo Chamber, we'd like to introduce our newest staff member, Accounting Specialist Katelynn Mount! While we aren't yet meeting in person – though we hope to be able to do so soon – we would still like to introduce Katelynn so you can get to know a little bit about her, her background and what she'll be working on here at the Chamber. Please enjoy this Q&A and welcome Katelynn to the Toledo Chamber! |
By Sabrina D'Onofrio, CGBP, CBA The Export Assistance Network has a plethora of means to help you and your business export effectively. We have a network of resources and partners throughout the state of Ohio here to help you and your business excel in the complex world of exporting. So, how can you get help?
By Amanda DePerro, Communications Manager It seems to have become a mantra in the last few months: times are tough. We are living in unprecedented and unpredictable times. And no matter how much we say it, it doesn’t make it less true – or perhaps less painful. But here in the Toledo Region and around the country, organizations are working together to support their communities and be the rising tide to lift all ships. One such organization is Huntington Bank, and its Lift Local Business Program, part of its five-year, $20 billion Community Plan.
Are you interested in serving your community on a board or commission? The Chamber receives requests from local government officials for recommendations of individuals to serve in these capacities. These bodies exist for a variety of functions and consist of local leaders who use their expertise to make or inform decisions that impact the community. Many of these boards and commissions have a direct impact on the region’s business climate and it is important that the business community’s perspective be considered.
By Sabrina D'Onofrio, CGBP, CBA With Export Success' class of 2021 beginning in little over a month, it's about time for the excitement to set in. By registering for Export Success, not only are you joining a team of likeminded, intelligent business professionals, you're also working to grow your business into new international markets and expanding your product or service's reach. But you're not just growing your network of consumers in Export Success – you're building your network of people who you can call and lean on when you have questions or just need a mentor.
By Tim Schneider, Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz’s proposed 2021 operating and Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budgets are on the agenda for Toledo City Council’s regular meeting at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 19. The operating budget under Ordinance 36-21 proposes expenditures of $283,118,577. It is balanced using a transfer of $11 million from the CIP fund and almost $23 million from general fund reserves. Income tax revenue is expected to generate $178.4 million. Separately, $17 million in new revenue for roads is expected from the additional 0.25 percent income tax approved last year. The CIP budget under Ordinance 37-21 proposes expenditures of $18.7 million for residential roads and $20.3 million for other capital projects in 2021. Amendments to the budget proposals are expected to be offered prior to a vote.
The Ohio Small Business Development Center District Three isn't here to run your business for you – we're here to guide you, to show you the options and resources available to you, and to share with you the best practices so you can be successful.
At the Toledo Small Business Development Center (SBDC), we're all about people – and helping people achieve their dreams. Our clients own a variety of small businesses all over northwest Ohio, each with a unique set of successes and challenges. And our expert team of counselors is here to assist in any situation.
The Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce would like to introduce one of our newest members of the staff to the community: Ebony Carter, Toledo Small Business Development Center counselor. Ebony is a Toledo native, and though we'd love for you to get to meet her in person at our events, we asked her to answer some of our most pressing questions.
Until you're able to safely meet Ebony at one of the Toledo Chamber's fabulous in-person events, we invite you to learn a little bit about what makes her tick and what brought her to the Chamber and Toledo SBDC.
By Sabrina D'Onofrio, CGBP, CBA
The Export Success class of 2021 is now accepting registrations, and that means it's time for you to decide whether Export Success can benefit your business and the goals you have for your business' future. Of course, here at the Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce and our Toledo Small Business Development Center, which houses our Export Assistance program, and the Regional Growth Partnership, we want your business to grow, succeed and find stability. So, the short of it is yes, you should join Export Success. But let's get into why.
February 2025