District 1: Tyrone Riley [email protected] District 2: Matt Cherry [email protected] District 3: Theresa Gadus [email protected] District 4: Yvonne Harper [email protected] District 5: Sam Melden [email protected] District 6: Chris Delaney [email protected] AT-LARGE COUNCIL MEMBERS Cecelia Adams [email protected] Gary Johnson [email protected] Nick Komives [email protected] Rob Ludeman [email protected] Katie Moline [email protected] Larry Sykes [email protected] |
- Ordinance 31-20 which would authorize the city to execute an agreement to establish a Lucas County 911 Regional Council of Governments for the organization and operation of a consolidated Public Safety Answering Point. Currently, 911 emergency calls are routed to six answering points throughout the county. In December, a planning committee established per Ohio law consisting of representatives of various jurisdictions in the county voted to consolidate services into a single answering point.
- Ordinances making changes to the Department of Public Utilities customer assistance program. Ordinance 33-20 would allow grants of up to $250 for Toledo water, sewer and storm sewer customers who are low income and facing termination of service, and loans of up to $2,000 for Toledo residential water customers for the replacement of private lead service lines. Ordinance 34-20 would approve $500,000 to fund the low income customer grant program, and Ordinance 35-20 would approve $300,000 to fund the lead service line loan program.
- Ordinance 39-20 which would approve an enterprise zone agreement with Niki Toledo for its planned construction of two retail buildings at the former site of Elder Beerman at 3311 Secor Road. The agreement includes a 50 percent property tax exemption for 15 years of assessed valuation prior to remediation of the site, and 100 percent exemption for the same period on the increase in valuation following remediation. The project is expected to create 23 new full-time and 40 part-time positions.
- Ordinance 42-20 which would authorize agreements with The Toledo Edison Company for replacement of 28,000 streetlights throughout the city with LED bulbs. The total cost of the project would be $5,796,000 and is estimated to save $580,000 annually on energy costs. The project is expected to be completed December 2021.
All Council meetings, including committee hearings, are held in Council Chambers on the first floor of One Government Center located on Jackson Boulevard in downtown Toledo.