Resolution 289-18 would place on the November 6 ballot Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz’s proposed changes to the City Charter for creation of a Regional Water Commission. The Commission would consist of representatives from Toledo and its contract communities and make recommendations concerning water rates and capital improvements. Under the plan, Toledo City Council would consider and have the ability to reject Commission recommendations. Recent amendments to the plan include requiring that the president or secretary of the Commission be a representative of Toledo, and expanding the allowed timeframe for Council to consider commission recommendations.
The Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce continues to advocate for a regionally-developed solution such as the Toledo Area Water Authority, or TAWA. The TAWA plan would create a regional water district governed by a board of representatives from Toledo and its current customer communities with no one single community having the ability to dictate policy for the entire system.
All Council meetings are held in Council Chambers on the first floor of One Government Center, located on Jackson Boulevard in downtown Toledo.
Tim Schneider As Manager for Local Government Advocacy, Tim Schneider advocates for local policies and laws that safeguard and foster a pro-business environment in the Toledo Region. Tim has more than 10 years of legislative and public policy experience with the local, state and federal levels of government. |