Most exporting requires only a minimal amount of paperwork, contrary to popular belief. The specific paperwork you may need can be determined by utilizing the Export Assistance Network and online resources. Researching potential markets to sell your good/service, or finding distributors can be done with the assistance of the Export Assistance Network in conjunction with State/Federal programs that are available to companies like yours.
My domestic market is doing just fine and I don’t need to export.
Globalization has made it easier to buy and sell goods/services in numerous markets. New markets are always opening up to competition and very few markets remain stationary. Many U.S. businesses are involved in or affected by international business, whether they are aware of it or not. It is important to diversify your markets, and one way to do that is to export. The Export Assistance Network can help you formulate an export plan to achieve this.
The Export Success program is strategically designed to meet the needs of small and medium-sized businesses interested in expanding into global markets. This program can help you and your company develop plans to identify global markets, improve export efficiencies, understand export financing, and develop market entry strategies, to name a few.
To learn more and to register, please click here. Or, contact Sabrina D’Onofrio at 419.243.8191 or at [email protected].