But don’t take our work for it. Matt Yarder, Organizational Leader, Yarder Manufacturing recently hosted a group of students at his facility through the TRAIN program. Here’s what he had to say:
“Connecting our company to the future workforce in our community is another awesome opportunity provided from The Toledo Chamber. This was a powerful experience for both our company and the local schools. We need talented minds ready to tinker, work hard, and be proud of their abilities to work in skilled trades and manufacturing. This opportunity shared new possibilities of a future for those young individuals and allowed our employees to proudly showcase their talents.”
And what did the students think?
“The cmm [coordinate measuring machine] is what I want to do [when] I grow up. The only thing is you really have to be smart for that job. Yarder Manufacturing helped me learn a lot.”
For more information about the train program please visit: https://www.toledochamber.com/workforce-development.html or contact Jocelyn Liberatore at [email protected] or 419.243.8191.
*Ohio's In-Demand Jobs List was developed using labor market information, job postings on OhioMeansJobs.com, JobsOhio regional forecasts and employer forecasts.