28 Locals Complete Leadership Academy Toledo Program

“In this room we have a wealth of talent”– The Honorable Judith Ann Lanzinger, Justice, Ohio Supreme Court, recently spoke to The Leadership Academy Toledo Class of 2016 at their graduation ceremony held at the Stranahan Theater. New graduates, area employers, program instructors and alumni came together for the ceremony and corresponding reception in March.
Sponsored by the Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce (TRCC), and its Leadership Fund, The Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio Sea Grant College Program, Leadership Academy Toledo is the oldest academy of its kind in the state. Tim Schneider, Manager, Local Government Advocacy at TRCC reflected, “This is a unique partnership in our community. Faculty include area elected officials, public sector professionals and college instructors, all with insightful perspectives on leadership and public service. Each year we’re fortunate to have a cross-section of participants from organizations throughout our community who go on to improve our region and further their own career goals.”
The 28 participants this year came from a variety of backgrounds and fields and spent 10 weeks being educated on the issues, requirements and expectations associated with public service. Graduates had many positive things to say about the program.
“I found the Leadership Academy to be an excellent program! Each session was just the right amount of time at about 2 hours. It was enough to give you nice overview and some depth on each topic without it taking too much time out of your schedule. In addition, you really get an opportunity to not just network but build solid relationships. I would highly recommend this program any community oriented individual either considering public service or simply as a way to build some public service skills for other community contributions.” – Michael Temple, M.B.A. President, Temple Development Corporation.
At the ceremony, Justice Lanzinger presented the keynote address for graduates and walked them through the “The Six Rungs of the Leadership Ladder.” She offered her congratulations and advice to graduates by saying, “you’re not just what you do, you are who you are – protect that.” She reflected on her years in public office and stressed to the graduates why trustworthiness is still a public virtue. Justice Lanzinger shared with the group, “good leaders will know themselves and recognize talent.” She urged graduates to build on their Leadership Academy training and recognize the talent and opportunities around them.
After completing Leadership Academy, alumni throughout our region have pursued roles in public service. Many have communicated the positive role the program has had in their careers.
“I can easily say that Leadership Academy Toledo was paramount in preparing me for both the depth and the breadth of the rigors of service to the public on Maumee City Council. I applaud the yeoman's work of you and your entire team.” – David Kissinger, City Councilman, City of Maumee
Congratulations to all graduates! We look forward to following your leadership journey in our community.
For more information on the Leadership Academy please contact Tim Schneider, Manager, Local Government Advocacy & Public Policy, at (419) 243-8191.