After-School All-Stars Ohio
Amy M. Childers Counseling, LLC
Johnson Controls, Systems & Service Division
RBI Insurance
Real Good Ventures
Rupp Ventures LLC
Stratus Building Solutions of Toledo
The House of Him
Toledo Point of Sale and Networking
Dan Brown Consulting
Of course, we would be remiss if we didn't mention all of the incredible programs and events we have coming up. If you're welcoming the businesses we mentioned above as a member, or you're a prospective member interested in starting your relationship with us through upcoming events and programming, you don't want to miss out on these fantastic events:
Talent Resource Week
Oct. 6-8
Our annual Talent Summit has gone virtual, and it's also been expanded to a full week of virtual events, bringing your business critical resources and tools that can help you attract, retain and develop the talent of your workforce. Join us starting Oct. 6 as we kick the week off with a session on REDI: Re-Entry Development Initiative. Sen. Robert Portman will deliver opening remarks; the perfect way to begin the week.
Morning Access: Education & Workforce Development presented by AT&T
Oct. 9
During our next Morning Access event, we're talking automation: what does the future of automation hold, how will it impact your business and how can you prepare for that future? If you're not preparing your employees for their future at your business, you can't retain or develop the talent that you have. We'll be joined by Roberto Pinheiro, Senior Research Economist from the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, for a discussion and presentation about what we know and what we don't know about the impacts of automation on the workforce.
Clambake 2020 presented by PNC
Meal reservations close Oct. 8
We might not be able to meet in person for our annual clambake event, but you can still keep clam and carry out with us this year! Register for your meals by Oct. 8, then meet us at Walt Churchill's Market on Oct. 16 or 17 to pick up your meal of shrimp, clams, mussels, corn and more. Clambake 2020 is the perfect way to celebrate and thank your most valued clients and your hard working employees as you navigate a difficult year. Not a huge fan of seafood? That's OK! You can still choose to support the Toledo Chamber and all of the initiatives, events and advocacy work that we do by choosing to donate your meal at checkout. Plus, by donating your meals, you're choosing to support Connecting Kids to Meals, a local organization that provides healthy, hot meals to hungry kids in our community.
FOCUS|2020 presented by KeyBank featuring Adam Levine, Director of the Toledo Museum of Art
Oct. 21
Adam Levine is returning to Toledo! During his first tenure at the Toledo Museum of Art, Levine helped lead the steering committee in development of the museum's first campus master plan and partnered with city government officials throughout the expansion of the museum campus. Plus, as you always do during our FOCUS|2020 events, you'll hear updates from the Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce, Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority and the Regional Growth Partnership. Don't miss out!
EPIC Toledo Leadership Summit presented by Buckeye Broadband
Nov. 9-13
You heard it here first – the EPIC Toledo Leadership Summit presented by Buckeye Broadband has gone virtual! Register your young professionals and spread the word about this incredible week-long series filled with professional development, personal wellness, holistic leadership and networking sessions. Keep checking back; more sessions are being added as we approach Nov. 9!