Because the Ohio State Fund Surplus has exceeded $9.6 Billion, BWC has begun to mail refund checks to employers equal to 66% of the premiums they paid in 2015. If you were in a Group Retrospective Rating Program in 2015 you will first receive your earned Group Retro rebate in October followed immediately by your Billion Back check.
2016 True-up
It is time for employers to report 7/1/2016 through 6/30/17 payroll online with the BWC. Once the payroll is reported, the website will automatically calculate the actual premium for your policy for the 2016 policy year. The system will compare the installments you made with the actual premium total and credit any overpayment or prompt you to pay the difference if it turns out you underpaid. The reporting and any resulting payments must be completed by August 15, 2017.
2017 Installments
The first premium installment for the 2017 Fiscal Year was due 7/3/17. Now is a good time to compare your 2017 estimated annual premium (EAP) with your 2016 actual premium in the true-up described above. Your 2017 installments are based on historical payroll (usually 7/1/15 payroll) so I highly recommend you estimate what you expect to have in payroll for 2017 and compare it to what BWC is using to establish your premium installments.
2017 Motor Vehicle Accidents (MVA)
Beginning 7/1/2017 if your employee is injured in an MVA in which a third party is cited for the accident, the costs will no longer be charged to the employer’s policy. Instead, if notified by the employer, BWC will charge the costs in that claim to the Ohio State Fund Surplus and then pursue subrogation against the third party. This is a tremendous development for employers!