- Resolution 65-20 which would urge the U.S. Congress to address climate change by promoting a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels by exploring a “carbon fee and dividend” structure. This policy involves imposing a carbon tax on the sale of fossil fuels and distributing the revenue of the tax among various populations.
- Ordinance 79-20 which would approve MVAH Partners’ application for a zone change to Multi-Dwelling Residential for a 2.6 acre site at 3837 Secor Road for a four story senior independent living facility. The site is the former location of the Sisters of Notre Dame Provincial Center.
- Two measures recently approved at public meetings before the Toledo Plan Commission and City Council’s Zoning & Planning Committee:
Tim Schneider As Manager for Local Government Advocacy, Tim Schneider advocates for local policies and laws that safeguard and foster a pro-business environment in the Toledo Region. Tim has more than 10 years of legislative and public policy experience with the local, state and federal levels of government |